Selasa, 25 Desember 2007

Topical Vit-C for Anti Aging

Topical Vitamin C
What is Topical Vitamin C?
The importance of vitamin C was first discovered in the 18th century when sailors learned to take citrus fruits on their long voyages in order to prevent a disease called scurvy. Today there is a lot of exciting research being done on vitamin C as an antioxidant capable of decreasing certain cancers, cataracts and improving wound healing and immune function. Topical vitamin C has been used as an antioxidant to prevent sun damage, improve wound healing and for the treatment of several other skin conditions such as stretch marks.
Topical Vitamin C
Exposure to sunlight, stress, cigarette smoke, pollution, drugs and a poor diet can lead to the production of toxic chemicals in the skin called reactive oxygen species, or free radicals. These free radicals have been implicated in the aging process, specifically in the skin, and can cause photo-aging, skin cancer and inflammation. Antioxidants inactivate the free radicals and make them harmless.
What can Topical Vitamin C do for me?
Some clients find that it is helping them to look 5 to 10 years younger. Regular use will dramatically reduce the visible signs of aging-fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin. Treated skin will gradually appear firmer and smoother with improved texture, tone and overall radiance. Topical Vitamin C can help older and prematurely aged skin to look, behave and feel like younger skin.
Some studies suggest that Vitamin C, especially in combination with a glycolic acid has also been shown to be useful in improving the appearance of stretch marks, although not eliminating them.
How soon will I notice a change in my skin?
Generally improvement in the overall appearance of the skin can be seen within 8 - 12 weeks of daily use. This time varies with each individual. Some may see changes as soon as two to four weeks while others may take as long as six to eight weeks. A maximum effect will occur at about six months of daily use.
How does it work?
Vitamin C's champions say the anti-oxidant can reverse visible signs of skin aging, enhance collagen production, and protect skin -- and its immune system -- from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays.
Early research seems to support these claims. In a series of articles published in the dermatology journal "Skin Aging and Photoaging," clinical trials of a topical vitamin C at Duke University found that the product did carry vitamin C deep into the skin. What topical vitamin C does is to neutralize the harmful chemical reactions that occur when sun shines on skin. Studies suggest that this chemical reaction causes aging. In tests, topical vitamin C appears to block this harmful chemical reaction.
Additionally, the studies also showed that test skin cells produced more collagen when treated with vitamin C. Applied to the skin, vitamin C appeared to protect against sunburn, and even help relieve sunburn symptoms after the exposure occurred!
By carrying the vitamin C into the dermis level of the skin, collagen production is stimulated, which plumps up the skin, and further reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Can I get the same results from taking vitamin C internally?
No. Although vitamin C stimulates collagen production in the skin, it is very difficult to get high enough concentrations when taken internally. Vitamin C has to be delivered onto and absorbed into the skin in order to be effective.
How much does it cost?
Our own special formulation of Topical Vitamin C is available for a low as $30.00 per ounce! Similar products in the salons and departments stores are selling for over $100.00. It's really a win-win situation for you.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Saya mau tanya,, misal si A sudah memakai narkoba dan dlam tes darah memang positif sbg pemakai narkoba. lalu ada si B yg benar2 bersih dr narkoba, mereka berdua melakukan hub. sex.
lalu si B meminum sperma si A yg positif pemakai narkoba..
pertanyaanya adalh, apakah ketika di tes darah, si B akan positif sebagai pemakai narkoba jg, gara2 meminum sperma si A??
mohon jawabannya!!